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The "carrot and carrot" approach in Canadian employee benefits

Written by People Corporation | Jun 20, 2024 1:32:02 PM

Canada's healthcare and employee benefits don’t reflect the traditional "carrot and stick" approach of using rewards to encourage desired behaviours while using penalties to deter undesired ones. Instead, what we see is a "carrot and carrot" system, where the emphasis is entirely on incentives and rewards. This shift reflects a broader trend towards a more positive and proactive management style in both healthcare and corporate environments. Here's why this approach is gaining traction and how it can lead to more effective outcomes in your employee benefits plans.

 Emphasis on Incentives and Rewards

The core of our model here in Canada revolves around using rewards and incentives to drive behaviors that contribute to better health outcomes and a healthier employee population. These incentives are often seen in the form of comprehensive health benefits, performance bonuses, and wellness programs that encourage active participation through positive reinforcement rather than punitive measures.

For plan sponsors, this means designing benefits programs that are attractive and engaging to employees, encouraging them to participate willingly and enthusiastically. Examples include offering rewards for completing health assessments or prizes for participating in fitness challenges. These incentives boost participation rates and foster a healthier, more engaged workforce.

Lack of Punitive Measures

The absence of penalties in both healthcare and employer benefits programs points to a culture that values voluntary adherence over mandatory participation. This environment allows employees to feel respected and autonomous, enhancing their intrinsic motivation to engage in and gain from their workplace benefits programs.

Professionalism and Intrinsic Motivation

One of the key factors underpinning the success of a ‘carrot and carrot’ approach, like ours here in Canada, is the reliance on the professionalism and intrinsic motivation of individuals. Instead of external motivators that punish poor health habits, there is a significant emphasis on professional ethics and the internal satisfaction that individuals gain from healthy behaviour change. This approach is mirrored in how benefits plans are structured, where the focus is on empowering employees to make the best health and wellness choices for themselves and their families.

Strategic Implementation in Employee Benefits Plans

For employers and plan sponsors, understanding and implementing a "carrot and carrot" approach requires a strategic shift. The focus should be on creating an environment where positive outcomes are naturally incentivized and where employees are motivated to participate out of a sense of personal gain and professional integrity. Employers can consider the following steps:

    1. Develop benefits programs that offer tangible rewards for healthy behaviours and participation in wellness activities

    2. Foster autonomy and respect by allowing employees to have a say in their benefits options, which can increase their commitment to and satisfaction with your benefits package

    3. Encourage a workplace culture that values employees and sets high standards of professionalism and ethics, supporting a naturally motivated environment

    4. Engage employees in the development and continuous improvement of benefits programs, ensuring they meet their needs and preferences

The "carrot and carrot" system in Canadian employee benefits reflects a progressive approach to health and wellness management. This philosophy aligns with contemporary professional values and sets a standard for how benefits can be structured to support a thriving, motivated workforce. We’d love to support you if you are evaluating your benefits program. Please drop us your information here and a member of our team will connect with you to get the conversation started.